Wednesday, October 3, 2007

The Man behind the Curtain!

We just don't give our men enough recognition. Heck they did donate the sperm!!
No, serioureally.
His backs is for climbing,
his lap is never empty,
his ice cream bowl is always shared, He can never mow the lawn alone, and every trip to the bathroom is boys pee party.
Dad thanks for going to practices & games, reading stories, and working all those long hours so mom can hang w/ us all day!!!!

Monday, October 1, 2007

Whats that burning smell?

I walk into the kitchen to check out whats burning - I havn't been cooking. And there it is a BIG knife and block of cheese on the counter.

There is my Big B, independantly busy making himself and his brother a casadia. He just couldn't figure out how to match up all the different triangles of tortilla and all the little pieces of cheese together. Wow, he did a darn good job!!! But he did like my idea to cut a few pieces of cheese and put them in one whole folded tortilla, then cut it after its cooked.

Is he really 7 years old already? Sometimes we fight like he is 17. He must be too much like me. But then we really get eathother too. B is organized, thoughtful, a hard worker, scatterbrained, impulsive, active, sweet, silly, and shy!!! I love to see each boy and their completely different personalities. I feel so blessed to be their mom and be here to try my best and raise them without damaging them too much. They are awsome.