Monday, November 12, 2007

The oldest.

I'm the oldest, yup, I'm 7. It freaks my mom out to think next year I'll be getting baptized, though I'm really exited about it. I am a little bossy I make sure things are done right, my mom can really count on me. But boy do I love to goof off, I am all boy. I'll be sneaky if need be (especially for candy) though I'm working on being honest (it works better for me when I am). I am as picky as my dad in regards to food. If it looks questionable, I wont touch it. I wont touch a vegie, but I love all fruit (mangoes, strawberries, grapefruit etc.) I am working on taking the initiative but using commonsense, boy is that hard. I'm kinda impulsive like my mom (spaz). I'm an excellent reader, writer, mathematician. I'm gaining confidence memorizing poems in front of my class (wow that's scary). I love riding my dirt bike, jumping on the tramp, drawing, cooking, and building w/ Lego's. I'd like to drive a backhoe and be a cop like my dad. Oh, and I'm already to shy to kiss my mom in public.


HEIDI said...

I love you Ben! I can't believe how big you are! And you use such big words for a 7 year old, i'm impressed :)

Anonymous said...

Your kids are so cute!! We love them!

Tagging you for 7 Weird and Random things about yourself. The rules are on my blog.