Tuesday, November 27, 2007


It is such an interesting little word. How do you decide whether you are truly content. I found- w/ the help of my friend "M" - that I can be both content and not content all at the same time. So, is that truly content. I find my self counting my blessing; great kids, warm house, gorgeous husband, fun job. But than I'm continually trying to improve my kids and husband, remodel my house or find a bigger one, and find a new club or class to teach. Is that not being content or is it just the natural progression of life. To improve our selves and the world around us. If we were just to stay in a state of content and not take any action toward gratitude and improvement we could not progress, right? Maybe I'm just babbling, but it makes me questions my motives on doing what I do. Which can be good once in a while. Accept, be content, count your blessings, have much gratitude and then get moving to improve and help w/ what we can to make this world a better place. The crusade of a mother.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow..that is very thought provoking to say the least!